Al-Gharawi: Speicher Is The Most Heinous Crime In History And The Victims Still Waiting For Justice

Member of the Commission for Human Rights, Fadel Al-Gharawi, confirmed that Speicher’s crime will remain evidence of condemnation of ISIS terrorist gangs, as it is the most heinous crime in history.

Al-Gharawi said in a statement that the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / received a copy of it: “As we remember this day, we confirm that the Speicher massacre is a crime of genocide committed by ISIS terrorist gangs against more than (1,700) civilians on sectarian grounds.”

He added that the head of the UN investigation team confirmed in his briefing to the Security Council that the Speicher massacre was a war crime committed against the students of the Air Force base in Speicher, as they were Shiites.

He pointed out: “This international recognition calls us to demand the government to internationalize this crime and make the international community aware of it. It also calls us to demand the government to complete the opening of the mass graves, extract the remains, complete the requirements for DNA testing with the families of the victims, establish a landmark in Baghdad to commemorate the martyrs of this massacre, and intensify efforts to bring the perpetrators to justice, with compensation for the families of the victims and survivors of this massacre, and to highlight this crime in all the curricula, and to be the focus of researchers and students’ attention in writing theses and master’s theses, and to start a national media campaign to remember the sacrifices of the Speicher massacre martyrs.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency