Baghdad Member of Al-Nasr Coalition”, Hamza Al-Hardan confirmed that “Al-Nasr” is not with the current move to overthrow the government, it adopt reform and improve performance, and press for the government to carry out its transitional tasks with efficiency, integrity and justice.
In a statement, Al-Hardan indicated that the move to overthrow the government may take the country into the unknown, as it is a government of transitional tasks, and there is no time for change, and change means confiscating the transitional tasks, foremost among which is the holding of elections, which is a priority.
The Member of “Al-Nasr Coalition” pointed out that the birth of the current government was a Caesarean birth, and the complexity of the political arena currently does not allow the formation of a new government, so the call to bring down the government is either electoral propaganda, or an attempt to drag the country into a vacuum, or it is an effort to postpone the elections, and this is rejected.
Source: National Iraqi News Agency