Cabinet Secretariat: 97 Women Won The Legislative Elections

Baghdad The General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced that 97 women won the legislative elections.

The director general of the department, Yusra Karim Mohsen, said, according to a statement by the General Secretariat, that the success of this group of women in reaching the new parliament is a natural result of the efforts of those women who showed courage and determination to participate actively, and that their experience today is a victory for Iraqi women and a source of pride for all.

Mohsen indicated that, according to the preliminary analysis of the election results, Iraqi women managed to win (97) seats, an increase of 14 seats over the quota for women, including two winners from minorities, while these results showed that (57) women won with their voting power without the need for a quota. .

The Director General of the Department indicated that the true message of women will not stop when they enter Parliament, rather, all women should continue efforts to participate in the various stages of the political and decision-making process, and pay attention to women’s issues and legislation that would guarantee their rights and enhance their position in society.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency