Demonstrations by university students in Khanaqin to demand the payment of their suspended financial dues

Baquba Dozens of students from Khanaqin colleges demonstrated in Diyala governorate, demanding the payment of their suspended financial dues from the Kurdistan government.

/NINA/ correspondent stated that dozens of students from the faculties of languages and humanities in Khanaqin affiliated to (Karmyan) University, northeast of Baquba, demonstrated to demand the re-disbursement of financial scholarships allocated to college students, a reduction in wages in evening studies, and an improvement in services in the boarding departments.

He added that the demonstrators demanded an increase in financial grants by 55% due to the exceptional living conditions in Khanaqin, the improvement of services in the boarding departments, and the reduction of evening studies wages that burden students and their families.

It is mentioned that the student grant amounts to 40,000 dinars per month for students inside Khanaqin and 60,000 dinars for students outside the district.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency