Mandalawi directs to expedite the resolution of the budget law and submit it to the Presidency of Parliament

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, directed to expedite the resolution of the budget law and submit it to the Presidency of the Parliament.

Al-Mandalawi confirmed, during his chairmanship today, of a meeting of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, in the presence of Deputy Speaker of Parliament Shakhwan Abdullah, and the Chairman and members of the Finance Committee: “Adding a number of new articles to the draft federal budget law for the three years (2023, 2024, 2025).”

He said: “The Committee voted on new articles related to the publication of scientific research affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, as well as the entitlement of contractors, including the deceased who were not fixed on the owners because they reached the legal age for retirement, provided that the contract period fulfills the retirement suspensions, in addition to Vote on the proposals received from the Media and Communications Authority.

Al-Mandalawi stated: “The treatment of contracts after 10/2/2019 was discussed, and the committee addressed the Ministry of Finance regarding adapting their conditions, stressing the need to consolidate the budget paragraphs in a way that meets the aspirations of the people and maximizes the revenues of the state treasury in accordance with the implementation of the government program, and speeding up the resolution of the law and submitting it to the Presidency of the Council Once again, his thanks and support for the efforts made by the Presidency and members of the Finance Committee to expedite the completion of the legislation of the law.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency