The Organizing Committee for Demonstrations And Sit-ins Rejecting the Results Issues a Statement on the Elections

The organizing committee for demonstrations and sit-ins rejecting the results of the elections issued a statement calling on the judiciary to expedite the decision on the appeals documented with the peremptory evidence presented to them.

In its statement, the committee said: “The Iraq of the holy, martyrs and the righteous is standing these days at a crossroads and a dangerous slide due to the abhorrent occupation and its blatant interventions that amounted to pressure and threats to the Federal Court and its members to compel them to shun the truth, take sides with falsehood, persecute them, and persecute them for forgery, with corrupt money, the ominous trinity resorted, through its tools, to directing great pressure to the Federal Court and the esteemed Supreme Judicial Council, which is still steadfast in the face of those interventions and pressures.

The statement added: “While we appreciate this heroic stance, which will be immortalized by history and witnessed by the near and far for the integrity and professionalism of the Iraqi judiciary, we also appreciate the pressures directed against it, and we shake the hands of the Federal Court and the Supreme Judicial Council.”

It continued, “At the same time, we wish the Supreme Judicial Council and the Federal Court to expedite the decision on the appeals documented with the peremptory evidence submitted to them, because the delay will generate more pressure on them, and we fear what we fear from this pressure and interference. And its people stand the stand of the brave who are stationed on the curtains of glory and honor. No sane person can differentiate between the stand of our holy mobilization and our security forces in the face of the forces of evil and darkness, and the stand of the demonstrators and the sit-in against the machine of corruption and fraud and its corrupt commission.

The statement stressed: “Our demands are still the same and we will never give up any of them. We are still calling for a just retribution for the killers of peaceful demonstrators, and accountability for the fraud commission and other demands that we mentioned in the previous Friday.”

The statement concluded by emphasizing that peace is our firm approach, and cooperation with our brothers in the security services is the original and support for the Iraqi judiciary is the basic demand.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency