Baghdad The Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games announced today, Tuesday, the discovery of seven people infected with the Corona virus, linked to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, bringing the total number since the beginning of this month to 155.

Olympic organizers reported seven new cases of COVID-19 related to the Tokyo Olympics, four of whom were residents of the Olympic Village, including two athletes from abroad, among the seven new cases of coronavirus announced by the Olympic event organizers.

According to the Japanese “Kyodo” News Agency, the organizers of the games said that one of the athletes is a Dutch tennis player, who lived in the athletes’ village, and the rest are three heads of state specialized in the games, a contractor and a member of the organizing committee.

Of the seven, five are from abroad, they said, adding that 37,579 people from foreign countries have entered Japan to participate in the games as of Sunday.”

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police said on Tuesday that three other officers who worked in security at the Olympic venues before the Games officially started on Friday have tested positive for COVID-19.

All of them are in their twenties, and belong to the same squad on loan from Hyogo Prefectural Police, and the new cases brought the total infections among the officers in the group to 12.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency