Baghdad The security forces have arrested two terrorists who participated in targeting the security forces and displacing citizens in Salah al-Din Governorate.

The Security Media Cell stated in a statement that the National Iraqi News Agency received a copy: “The Detachments of the Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency at the Ministry of Interior have arrested two terrorists wanted in accordance with the provisions of Article (4 / terrorism) for their affiliation with terrorist gangs of ISIS, and they are part of a terrorist detachment to displace, bomb and target the security forces and citizens in Tikrit. ”

It added, “The terrorists admitted, through preliminary investigations, that they had participated in several terrorist operations, including targeting members of the security forces by planting explosive devices near their homes, as well as targeting the head of the Municipal Council of Tikrit with an explosive device that caused damage to the vehicle in which he was traveling, and one of them participated in confrontations against the security forces at Tikrit University at the beginning of the year 2015.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency