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Parliamentary Integrity Commission: The communications service in Iraq is the worst, and we need radical changes in the ministry

Baghdad / NINA / -The Integrity Committee criticized what it described as the continued chaos and confusion in the work of the Ministry of Communications.

Committee member MP Vian Dakhil said, in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA), that “the telecommunications service in Iraq is the worst among the countries of the region and the other world, as well as the prices of providing services to citizens are the most expensive in the region.”

She added, “The current minister cannot solve these obstacles or her inability to implement the items of the government program prepared for the ministry, and from time to time she fabricates administrative and technical problems in exchange for turning a blind eye to the poor and deteriorating provision of the current service, or resorting to launching initiatives that are of no real benefit to citizens.”

She explained, “We still need a radical change in the Ministry of Communications and a restructuring of its work and cadre, in light of the continuing confusion and current chaos within the joints of the Ministry of Communications’ work.”/ End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency