Aboul Gheit: Palestine is being destroyed and protecting the rights of its people is everyone’s responsibility

The Secretary-General of the Arab League, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, thanked the government and people of Iraq for holding this conference and for the warm reception.

He said in a speech at the Arab Labor Conference: ‘Palestine is exposed to various types of destruction, and the occupation is working to steal the capabilities of the Palestinian people,’ calling on the International Labor Organization to work with the Palestinian Action Plan.

He added: “What we see today in Palestine will remain in the memory for years. Within 5 months, 55,000 jobs were lost, and this number cannot be borne by the Palestinian economy. 35,000 were martyred during the war, thousands lost their jobs, businesses were destroyed, and millions of children were deprived of educational opportunities.” He stressed: ‘Protecting Palestinian rights is everyone’s responsibility.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency