Baghdad The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, affirmed that the city of Al-Quds is for all religions and not only for the Jews.

The Director of the Martyr Al-Sadr’s office in Baghdad, Ibrahim al-Jabri, delivered the speech of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, during the major solidarity stand in Tahrir Square today, Saturday, in which he said, “it is unfortunate that a group of Israelis take over to displace Palestinians from their homes.”

He added, “Al-Quds is ours and we support the Palestinians, and we are with them through thick and thin, And we are with them through thick and thin, “indicating,” here is the Iraq of the Mujahideen, demonstrating in support of the Palestinians, peace from me to the Palestinian militants. ”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency