Istanbul, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said: As long as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) finds an outlet for itself in northern Iraq and Syria, we cannot feel safe.

Erdogan added in a speech to the Turkish people last night: ‘Certainly, when the time and hour come, we will complete our work in Syria, which was left incomplete due to the promises made by our allies and they have broken them.’

He stressed that “terrorists in Qandil Mountains and in northern Syria will continue to interfere against Turkey, its policy, and its citizens at every opportunity,” explaining that “no country will accept this matter.”

The Turkish President touched on his visit to Iraq last April 22, and the important results it achieved, especially after his meeting with his Iraqi counterpart, Abdul Latif Rashid, and Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.

Erdogan indicated that they discussed in detail the issues on their joint agenda, especially security, transportation, energy and water, and stated that the visit cul
minated in the signing of 27 agreements in various fields.

The Turkish President confirmed that their goal is to raise the volume of trade with Iraq from $20 billion to higher levels.

He praised the Iraqi government’s declaration of the PKK as a terrorist organization, and considered the step “important” in the context of the war on terrorism.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency