Baghdad The Baghdad Operations Command announced the discovery of explosive materials and the arrest of an accused of drug use.

A statement by the Security Media Cell stated that a force of the 23rd Infantry Brigade carried out a duty in “Al-Manari” area, through which they were able to find ammunition, explosive materials and damaged remnants of ISIS terrorist gangs hidden underground in the agricultural areas south of Baghdad, as the materials consisted of an explosive device and an anti-aircraft missile, and ammunition of a machine gun with a caliber of 12,7 mm.

In a related context, a force from the First Division of the Federal Police, in conjunction with a detachment of the National Security Agency, carried out a search duty in the Al-Mashtal area, east of Baghdad, which resulted in the arrest of a suspect in accordance with Article 28 of drugs and seized in his possession (500) grams of the narcotic crystal riding a motorcycle.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency