Parliamentary hosting of the Minister of Water Resources

Baghdad The Parliamentary Committee for the Implementation of the Governmental Program and Strategic Planning hosted the Minister of Water Resources, Engineer Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani.

The Minister reviewed, according to a parliamentary statement, the projects that the Ministry has implemented and the development it has achieved during the current government in the file of talks with neighboring countries to obtain Iraq’s water share, and the Ministry’s procedures for the success of agricultural plans and achieving the water balance through initiating the work of the Makhoul Dam and maintaining the quality and quantity of water connecting to the province of Basra and the marshes of southern Iraq.

The chairman and members of the committee raised a number of questions and inquiries regarding providing the committee with the percentages of achievement achieved for the projects implemented by the Ministry, the possibility of investment, the exploitation of beaches and carrots, and the application of the law of collection for irrigation wages to increase the financial revenues of the Ministry, as well as the issue of treating salinity in the Shatt al-Arab and the Basra water pipeline project.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency