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The Ministry of the Interior: We Will Pursue the Perpetrators of Clan (Raids) Crimes and Bring Them to Justice

Baghdad The Ministry of Interior confirmed that it will prosecute the perpetrators of the tribal (raids) crimes and bring them to justice.

The ministry said in a statement: “Within the framework of the Ministry of Interior’s keenness on the rule of law and the necessity of resorting to it in various matters of life and its adoption of a detailed approach to resolving problems, obstacles and differences between members of society and not transgressing its provisions, it calls upon the sons of our honorable people and our authentic Iraqi clans to abide by this, especially during what it is called (tribal raid), which the law classifies as one of the terrorist crimes due to the disturbance it causes to national security and civil and societal peace and exposing innocent lives to great dangers as a result of the illegal use of weapons.

The ministry made it clear that, through its concerned units, it will legally prosecute the perpetrators of these crimes and bring them to the judiciary to receive their just punishment without hesitation or negligence with anyone.

The ministry renewed its call to our authentic clans, which were and still are the safety valve in supporting stability in the country and the best aid to the Interior Ministry in its constant quest to create an atmosphere of security and safety in the country, not to be drawn into calls for conflict.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency