The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Hamid Naim Al-Ghazi, discussed with the Iranian ambassador in Baghdad, Iraj Masjedi, a number of common files between the two countries.

The two sides stressed, according to a statement by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the importance of developing the existing partnership between Baghdad and Tehran, expanding aspects of cooperation between them and diversifying its fields to keep pace with the strength of relations and solid ties that unite the two countries, and meet their common aspirations in the coming stages, to achieve the interest of the two peoples.

The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers stressed the need to develop a treatment for the water relationship between the concerned authorities in the two countries, and to come up with joint understandings that contribute to establishing water stability, and identifying the real dimensions of the problems that result from it.

For his part, the Iranian ambassador, Masjedi, indicated that the concerned authorities in his country had completed their preparations to start the construction of the railway project between Iraq and Iran. He called for obtaining the approval of the Iraqi government to let a number of Iranian pilgrims (visitors) participate in the commemoration of the Arbaeen of Imam Hussein, peace be upon him


Source: National Iraqi News Agency