Baghdad Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein called for respecting Iraqi sovereignty and stopping violations.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said today that, on the sidelines of his visit to Pakistan, the Minister met Arab ambassadors and representatives of diplomatic missions, during the meeting, they reviewed the overall developments taking place in the Arab, regional and international arena, and support for efforts made to reduce tension throughout the region.

During the meeting, the minister stressed the need for more efforts and coordination between Arab countries to confront attempts to aggravate relations between the peoples of the region and create an atmosphere of tension, noting that Iraq faced ISIS terrorists who came from different countries of the world in defense of itself and on behalf of the whole world .

He said: “Iraq will not allow it to be a battlefield, calling for respect for Iraqi sovereignty and stopping violations, pointing to Iraq’s adherence to its sovereignty and strengthening this by maintaining coordination and communication with various parties and through diplomatic initiatives and endeavors.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs touched on the Iraqi government’s preparations to hold the elections on time, according to criteria and conditions that restore the confidence of the Iraqi people in the feasibility of political participation, as well as the meeting of Iraq’s neighboring countries that will be held at the end of this month in Baghdad.

The minister talked about the security situation in Afghanistan and its dangerous impact on the countries of the region, as happened in the past, stressing the importance of relations with Pakistan in the military fields and the development of the economic, education and health sectors.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency