An official source in the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States condemned the brutal terrorist bombing that targeted Al-Wahailat market in Sadr City, east of Baghdad, this evening, and led to the death and injury of a number of innocent civilians, expressing his sincere condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims and his wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured.

The source said in a press statement that: This terrorist bombing, which took place on a glorious day, aimed at destabilizing security and stability in Iraq, should not undermine the efforts made to confront terrorism and uncontrolled weapons that are not under the control of the state.

He added: “These despicable acts are attempts to shake the prestige of the Iraqi state at an important time related to the preparations for the elections next October.”

The source reiterated the Arab League’s support and full solidarity with the Iraqi government in all its efforts to enhance security and stability in Iraq.



Source: National Iraqi News Agency