Kirkuk / NINA / – The Chaldean bishops in Iraq decided to prevent clerics from interfering in propaganda campaigns for the upcoming elections, and not to turn places of worship into platforms for propaganda, and to prevent receiving candidates.

This came during their meeting, headed by Patriarch Cardinal Louis Raphael Sacco, at the summer patriarchal residence in Ankawa / Erbil, and was attended by Bishops Shlimon Wardoni, Micha Makdissi, Bashar Warda, Youssef Touma, Habib Al-Nawfali, Basilios Yaldo, Michael Najib Michael, Robert Gerges and Felix Chebbi .

A statement issued by the attendees stated that Patriarch Sacco opened the meeting with a prayer for peace and stability in Iraq, and presented the general situation in the country and the ecclesiastical situation. Then the bishops studied the topics included in the program and took decisions, including preventing the clergy from interfering in the propaganda campaigns for the upcoming elections, and places of worship will not become platforms for propaganda, and prevent receiving candidates.

The bishops called on Iraqi officials and politicians to give precedence to the language of reason and wisdom over some absurd behavior, and the public interest over private interests, and attention to providing services and job opportunities.

The bishops called on their faithful people to adhere to the Christian hope and national identity and to strive to promote the values of coexistence.

Cardinal Sacco confirmed that the Chaldean Church will organize a special mass for peace in the Middle East on June 27, coinciding with the celebration of all the Catholic patriarchs in the East, during which the Middle East is dedicated to the Holy Family, and each bishop will celebrate Mass in the center of his diocese at the same time.

The bishops suggested that the date of the convening of the Chaldean Synod in principle be in Baghdad from 9-14 August 2021./End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency