Baghdad The legal expert, Ali Al-Tamimi, confirmed that the Convention on the Prevention of Enforced Disappearance is binding on Iraq.

Al-Tamimi said in a statement that under the International Convention for the Prevention of Enforced Disappearances of 2006, signed by Iraq, and under Law 17 of 2010, enforced disappearance is defined as the arrest, disappearance, detention or kidnapping of people without legal grounds, and it is prohibited even in times of war.

He explained that this agreement obligated the member states to find out the reasons and investigate to find out the fate of the victims and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Al-Tamimi indicated that according to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, the oversight of the implementation of agreements is from the United Nations, and the state that violates this is considered to have breached its obligations and therefore sanctions may be imposed on it by the Security Council, especially since this matter is related to human rights.

He pointed out the need for Iraq to legislate a general amnesty law with the developments that took place after the war against ISIS and to open a new page that fits this important event.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency