Baghdad Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein stressed the importance of holding the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership to enhance the Iraqi role and transform the space of conflicts and tensions in the region into a state of dialogue.
During his meeting at his residence in Moscow, the minister said, “Iraq is a country rich in various wealth, but it is going through exceptional circumstances that require assistance from all friendly countries through investment and exchange of experiences in many fields.”

According to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the minister expressed Iraq’s keenness to build relations with various countries of the world on the basis of common interests and common risks.

He pointed to the importance of holding the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, to be held on Saturday, to enhance the Iraqi role, support Iraq, build economic partnerships with the countries of the region, and transform the space of conflicts and tensions in the region into a state of dialogue.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs also stressed: “Iraq’s foreign policy is based on balance in its relations with its external surroundings, and Iraq was able to establish a platform and tools for dialogue, and Baghdad will turn into a center for communication and positive interaction.”

The minister called for activating the agreements concluded between Iraq and Russia to strengthen the historical relations between the two countries.

The two sides also discussed the visit of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to Moscow.

For his part, Chairman of the International Relations Committee of the Russian State Duma, Leonid Slutsky, affirmed his country’s continuous support for Iraq in various fields, pointing to the importance of opening prospects for joint cooperation to serve the interests of the two countries.

The Russian official said: “The idea of holding the Baghdad conference and bringing together the invited countries is one of the brilliant successes of Iraqi diplomacy, and its positive results will be reflected, not only on the Iraqi situation, but on the situation of the entire region, and bless those in charge of the conference.”

The two sides discussed, according to the statement, strengthening relations between Iraq and Russia, the overall political and security situation, and the Iraqi government’s efforts to restore security and stability.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency