Baghdad  The head of the Alliance of National State Forces, Ammar Al-Hakim, offered his condolences on the death of the religious authority, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, offered his condolences on the death of the Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

Salih said in a statement: With more acceptance and satisfaction with the decree of God Almighty and his destiny, we received the news of the death of the great religious authority, Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed al-Hakim (may God sanctify his pure soul(.

While the religious authority, Bashir Al-Najafi, offered his condolences on the death of the late religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

The Speaker of Parliament, Muhammad Al-Halbousi, offered his condolences on the death of the Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

Al-Halbousi said in a statement: With more sadness and sorrow, we received the news of the death of one of the religious symbols of Najaf and one of its figures, the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim (may God sanctify his pure soul(.

The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, offered his condolences on the death of the religious authority, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

In the same context, the media office of the governor of Najaf announced security preparations to receive official delegations from inside and outside Iraq, who will come to offer condolences on the death of the religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

The Governor of Najaf, Louay Al-Yasiri, condoled the death of the religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, stressing the readiness of the holy city of Najaf to receive mourners.

The US embassy in Baghdad offers condolences to the Iraqi people on the death of the Shiite religious authority, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, and describes him as a symbol of peace, love and harmony throughout the region.

The Speaker of the Lebanese Parliament, Nabih Berri, offered his condolences on the death of Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, and sends condolences to His Eminence, the Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani.

The President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, offered condolences on the death of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

The leader of the National Coalition, Iyad Allawi, offered his condolences on the death of the religious authority, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

Allawi said in a statement: With feelings of sadness and sorrow, we received the news of the death of the great religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, who was known for his patriotic stances and his moderate and unitary discourse, as well as for his numerous relief contributions.

The Minister of Interior, Othman Al-Ghanimi, offered his condolences on the death of the grand, Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

Al-Ghanimi said in a statement, “With great sadness and sorrow, we received the news of the death of the late religious authority, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, this great stature of knowledge, who devoted his blessed life to serving the true Islamic religion.”

The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, offered his condolences to the family of Al-Hakim and the religious authorities on the death of the religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

Barzani said in condolence to the religious authority who died today: “With great sadness and sorrow, we received the news of the death of the great religious authority, the late Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.” He pointed out that “the deceased was the ultimate scholar of jurisprudence and Jihad and devoted his life as an ascetic, to struggle against injustice and to consolidate the principles of brotherhood, love and tolerance among all the people’s sects.”

The Islamic Dawa Party mourned the great religious authority, His Eminence, the Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim.

The party stated in a statement “we received with deep sadness the news of the death of the great religious authority, the Great Ayatollah, His Eminence, Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, after a life full of knowledge, good deeds, spreading the sciences of Ahl al-Bayt – peace be upon them – and guiding the servants, and caring for the affairs of Muslims.

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, offered his condolences to Al-Hakim’s family on the death of the religious authority, Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim, today.

Barzani said in his condolences to Al-Hakim: “We received with great sadness and sorrow the news of the death of the great religious authority, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Saeed Al-Hakim,” adding: “We extend our sincere condolences and sympathy to the Islamic world, the great authorities and the family of the honorable Al-Hakim family. We ask God Almighty to inspire them patience and solace. May His Eminence rest in the vastness of his mercy and dwell in his vast gardens.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency