Baghdad The Ambassador of the Republic of Iraq in Cairo and its Permanent Representative to the Arab League, Ahmed Nayef Al-Dulaimi, stressed the need to exchange experiences in the field of drafting legal and constitutional legislation, as well as activating parliamentary committees between Iraq and Egypt.

During his meeting with the Speaker of the Egyptian Senate, Counselor Abdel-Wahab Abdel-Razzaq, Al-Dulaimi pointed out the need for Egyptian companies to participate in the reconstruction of the liberated areas from ISIS terrorist gangs, especially since Iraq has actually moved from the stage of fighting terrorism to the stage of reconstruction and construction, and benefiting from the Egyptian expertise, especially after Egypt achieved a great urban boom.

During the meeting, it was stressed the need to activate what was agreed upon, through the work of the joint Iraqi-Egyptian higher committee, and the tripartite summit meetings between Iraq, Egypt and Jordan, because of their importance in strengthening the bonds of the bilateral relationship between Iraq and Egypt on the one hand, and between Iraq and its Arab surroundings on the another hand.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency