Baghdad Adviser to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mudher Mohammed Salih, confirmed that: Iraq is looking forward to building a long-term strategic economic partnership with the United States in order to strengthen opportunities for development and economic cooperation in Iraq and the surrounding region.

He told the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that this partnership removes the specter of wars and terrorism after long conflicts that undermined opportunities for development and economic progress for the peoples of the region.

Salih added that over the past several decades, the population has been increasing numerically with diminishing opportunities for development, investment and prosperity, while hopes for a better future have remained weak due to the continuation of wars and long conflicts.

He continued, “through deepening friendship and strategic cooperation with major countries such as the United States, Iraq aspires that these strong relations will lead to the establishment of a political economy of peace through major American companies in technology and reconstruction, and the transition to building prosperity, rejecting conflicts and achieving stability, especially after what has been shown by the wonderful international cooperation and its role in undermining ISIS terrorism and removing these blind forces from the maps of the region.

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi headed to Washington, DC, at the head of a government delegation.

Al-Kadhimi said before leaving the homeland: This visit comes within the framework of Iraq’s efforts to consolidate a close relationship with the United States of America, based on the foundations of mutual respect and bilateral cooperation in various fields, and it culminates long efforts of intensive work during the strategic dialogue sessions to organize the security relationship between the two countries. The two countries are based on the Iraqi national interest.


Source: National Iraqi News Agency